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UDC 621.431
National Conference «Reciprocating Engines of Military Generator Sets. Modernization and Replacement of Imported Engines by Domestic Ones». Resume and Resolution // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 3–7. Keywords: military infrastructure components, diesel-generator, domestic make diesel engines, replacement of imported sensitive components.- table, 6 ill., - ref. |
UDC 621.431
Saidanov V.O. Diesel-Generators of Military Facilities: Analysis of Nomenclature, Technical State and Field Experience // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 8–9. Keywords: diesel-generator set, excessive run hours, exceeding design lifetime, modernization of power supplies, replacement of imported items by domestic ones.- tables, 2 ill., - ref. |
UDC 621.431
Popov D.V. Newly-Developed Diesel-Generator Sets for Military Infrastructure Components from JSC Mamin Brothers Volzhsky Diesel, and Proposals for Replacement Program // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 10–11. Keywords: JSC Mamin Brothers Volzhsky Diesel diesel-generator sets, power packages, repair, servicing.- tables, 3 ill., - ref. |
UDC 621.431
Usov M.S., Arkhipov A.O. and Khilchenko S.V. Diesel-Generator Sets from Zvezda Works, Powered by Serial Engines Type 12CHN18/20 and New-Generation Engines Type 12CHN15/17,5 // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 12–13. Keywords: Zvezda Works, automatic power packages, serial engines type 12ChN18/20 and new-generation engines type Ì150 (12ChN15/17,5).- table, 2 ill., - ref. |
UDC 621.431
Levkovich A.V. Integrated Power Packages from JSC Zvezda-Energetica, Based on Diesel-Generator Sets for Military Facilities, Developed under Import-Replacement Program // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 13–14. Keywords: JSC Zvezda-Energetica, integrated power packages, diesel-generator sets, dual-fuel engines, natural gas, biogas, mine methane, heavy fuel, crude oil, co-generation.- table, 3 ill., - ref. |
UDC 621.431
Rudkovsky A.S. Engines Type DM-21 and DM-185 (New Generation) for Military Facilities // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 15–16. Keywords: JSC Urals Diesel Works, automated power packages, engine family ChN-21, engine family ChN-18,5/21.- table, 2 ill., - ref. |
UDC 621.431
Glazistov V.V. Diesel-Generator Sets and Power Plants from JSC KamAZ // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 17–18. Keywords: JSC KamAZ, diesel engines, gas engines, automated power units, cogeneration, portable electrical power plants.- table, 6 ill., - ref. |
UDC 621.431
Kalinichenko V.V. Diesel-Generators from JSC Kolomna Works for Military Facilities // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 19–20. Keywords: JSC Kolomna Works, automated power packages, commercially available engine family D49 (ChN26/26), new-generation engine family D500 (ChN26,5/31).2 table, 2 ill., - ref. |
UDC 621.431
Antipov M.A. and Mikhailin A.B. Experience of Producing And Modernization of Diesel Engine Sets Using Domestic Make Engines and Proprietary Control Systems // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 21–22. Keywords: JSC President-Neva, automated power packages, diesel-generator sets, windmills, controls, controllers.- table, 2 ill., - ref. |
UDC 621.431
Novikov L.A. and Smirnov A.V. Environmental Safety and Import Replacement Aspects in Development of New Power Supplies for Military Facilities // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 23–25. Keywords: industrial diesel engines, emission regulations, exhaust opacity, emission reduction technologies, alternative fuels.1 table, 1 ill., - ref. |
UDC 621.43
Rumb V.K. reciprocation engines, part strength characteristics, fatigue life, simulation modeling. // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 26–29. Keywords: diesel engines, marine power plant, low-load operation, switching off cylinders, special tuning.1 table, 1 ill., 7 ref. |
UDC 621.436
Kovalchuk L.I. and Isaeva M.V. Experimental-Theoretical Models for Combustion Diagnostics in Marine Diesel Engine // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 30–33. Keywords: marine diesel engines, combustion diagnostic models, analysis basics, diagnostic algorithm and results.- table, 6 ill., 2 ref. |
UDC 621.785
Ivanov D.A. and Zasukhin O.N. Combined Treatment of Parts with Pulsating Gas Flows and Heat // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 34–36. Keywords: thermal treatment, brinelling stresses and strains, hardening medium, pulsating gas flow, isotropy.1 table, 2 ill., 9 ref. |
UDC 621.43
Conventional and Alternative Energy Sources (based on CIMAC 2013 papers) // Dvigatelestroyeniye. — 2015. — ¹ 4. — P. 37–49. Keywords: hybrid power system for ship application, solid oxide fuel cell, microturbine, operating values, transients, nuclear power plants, emergency diesel-generators, modernization, engine replacement.1 table, 13 ill., 18 ref. |
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